Submission of thesis and bidding of farewell

A thesis is like a final research work undertaken by soon-to-be graduates in the university.

As I earlier indicated in the last post, I chose to do my Internship at the Reverend Father John school located at Winneba. This experience opened new doors for me, particularly in the field of educating special kids with different kinds of disorders and behaviors. They were completely normal to me now with less phobia too. My stay at the school was pretty dramatic with lots of school-filled activities. I got to see how exchange programs at the university level also worked. With this, I ended up meeting friends from Germany who were delighted to have been posted to Ghana. It was a crazy ride on the weekends with these guys (German colleagues) and well as partied a lot. I was sometimes worried about a fall in my concentration but guess what, it never did. Benedict and Ole were the two students who according to them wanted to experience the sunshine like never before hence their trip to Winneba was the best.

Ole was a more social person but Benedict stayed reserved a lot of the times we hung out. Ole had a girlfriend back in Germany who missed him as he did his internship in Africa hence decided to surprise him one day after class. This was sweet because I see those gestures in movies and never in real life. Due to his lifestyle, I could see why people around him were very happy and comfortable. Did I mention the high-end Canon camera that he came with? I don’t remember the model but that camera was amazing. Once again, it was my first time handling such equipment. We usually took photos with it and made good memories which I truly miss as of now. I did a detailed tale of what transpired at the Reverend Father John Special School hence I will continue this in a post-internship era.

After reporting to school, I noticed we had all developed serious levels of confidence at least from the numerous teaching sessions we were exposed to during the internships. Most of my colleagues looked older and more sure of what they wanted to achieve on the educational ladder. Upon conversation with them, Some opted for strong challenges as they dived into the field of work. We only got the chance to meet as a group when we were called by the lecturers for urgent announcements or directives. Also, many were writing down their thesis and doing various investigations to defend it when the day of submission came. It was a truly stressful and tense process as it unfolded. I had spotted a sample of a research work at the library at the time hence I already knew how things would pan out once I began.

We were going to have four courses in the final semester to make up the complete GPA in the department and this was not received too well by many people since we were completing. I was too because I heard many departments were having 2 courses in addition to the research paper. Lectures at the final level were truly enjoyable and more relaxing. We conversed a lot more with our lecturers and discussed research paper procedures after classes as well. It was as if we had finished everything literally. They in return began using terms like “After you are gone” a lot and that made me proud because it had not been an easy journey. I remember that of all the 4 courses taken, Introduction to Abnormal Psychology made on mark on me. The other three were Post Internship Seminar, Seminar on Diversity and Special Educational Needs, and Strategies to Manage Students who record lower attainments.

I began my thesis and repeatedly checked in on my lecturer who by the way was a female for correction. Getting in touch with her was kind of difficult at times but as persistent as I was, and with the stories I had heard about these periods, I was ready to be stressed out for success. There were times I called to see if she was around before coming on campus. I often did this because she was a mother hence respect was a huge factor for me. She kind of saw that over the period and hence gave me the same treatment. She helped me go about the work and even canceled out the chaff or irrelevant portions of my work. As my studies intensified I felt the need to up my game and finalize the quality of my GPA which, to be frank, was okay per my lecturer’s standard. I never wanted to slow it down in a way hence I just studied at the slightest opportunity I got. The thesis was going on very well too however I often struggled to balance it out at times but hey what could I have possibly done in that situation?

I remember the graduation dates were scheduled as we all prepared to take our final papers. We were encouraged to submit our research works as well. Those who had not completed theirs were prompted to hurry up. I had completed mine at this point but was hesitant to submit it. I just wanted everything to be perfect before I submitted mine. My friends and I deliberated over this for months hence I was not surprised Teddy submitted his to the supervisor days before our final exam. I believe their scenario was much different because their lecturer had been available since the commencement of the semester and hence many students under him were getting the needed help all the time. I recall on the exam day, the excitement that ran through many students including me. I was not even worried about the outcomes of the four papers again.

Many hugged and laughed so hard about what they were about to achieve. It felt surreal especially because my commecement year was 2014 and I realized the four years had just flown by. The hard work and sleepless nights were finally making a lot more sense to me and my delighted colleagues, they were going to pay off and open greater opportunities to us once we graduate. As we looked forward to these possibilities, the invigilators for the papers instructed us to settle in groups of 30. This arrangement had stuck with us since level 100 hence we grouped each other in the various departmental lecture halls and waited patiently for them.

The two-hour paper started at 2 pm and various instructions were handed out by the invigilators. Mind you, this was one out of 3 papers to be written over 2 weeks. I walked leisurely to the hostel and prepared for the next papers. I forgot to mention this earlier but it’s not too late either. Gaming was in my loose schedule in my final year. I remember having friends over for the weekend to eat fufu and play all manner of games even in the exam period. I always learnt late in the night hence I was pretty okay on paper days. You know how exams are right?. I sometimes assisted my colleagues at the blind side of the investigators. They in turn assisted me as well. I won’t say I was proud of these things but they are all part of the activities in the school whether authorities liked that act or not.

I remember right after the final paper, my lecturer, Madame Florence who doubled up as my thesis supervisor wished us well and said words of encouragement to all of us. It was very emotional for me especially because she was the same one who welcomed us in the beginning at the South Campus. After the paper, I stayed in the lecture hall for some minutes and reflected on the highs and lows of my thrilling activity-filled stay in Winneba. I got up and made my to the hostel. My landlord gave us a little send-off treat which nearly brought tears to my eyes but once again I was stoic through it all. I had the opportunity to put smiles on the faces of some of the students in the department by giving them some of my textbooks and even the ultimate one “the research work or thesis”. I enjoyed these memories and will tell my kids and grandkids about it.

Yes so hope you enjoyed this tale hence check back for more.

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