Navigating the complex demography of the North Campus and building relationships

Before I get into any detail, I must let you know that I did not work this time around hence I was well-refreshed going into the next semester. Okay, I did help mummy around the house and all but I was very dormant most of the time. Now, level 200 was pretty simple for me because at this point I was a “veteran” on campus. I knew all the departments and how various departments functioned. It was intuitive of me but I was glad that I did. As I hinted in the last post, the Special Education Department was relocating to the North Campus of the University and this meant bigger space and lecture halls or rooms for many students. I had made good reservations for a hostel located in the North before departing for vacation last time hence I was not perturbed with relation to where I lay my head.

On the re-opening day, I took a simple meal and headed straight to the station confidently. By 10 am I was in Winneba unpacking my stuff into the new hostel which was located at Water Works. I was so hyped for this semester mainly because my grades were shooting up. I was beginning to dream bigger in this regard. What I did not know was what was waiting to happen to me later in the semester. Anyway, I cooked some rice and stew and made my way to the campus to explore the beautiful scenery of the North Campus. I realized buildings and halls here were exquisite indeed. Students were barely loitering around like it was frequently seen in the South. halls were always neat with lawns being cut periodically too.

I felt happy not because my environment was more dope but because access to lecturers was more flexible. I was having a ball basically and sleeping extremely late too. Classes were scheduled to start the following week which meant that the hectic lecture hours and quizzes were going to commence all over again. I got acquainted with some learners at the North and learned new ways of studying with the use of technology. I also got so good with the computer that I was assisting most of my female colleagues in registering for their courses for the particular semester. As time went on I grew fonder with many making friends with their friends as well.

By the time we began having serious lectures at the North. I got very comfortable with a lady by the name of Gladys Antwi. Now before starting a relationship with her, I had gone through a terrible experience with one lady back home. I would say I had “less game” at the time hence transitioning into this one was a bittersweet moment. I now had a kind of odd feeling about this human. However, responsibility was not entirely on my end like my first relationship. With this relationship, the stress of combining studies and being there emotionally was a “hell” created scenario.

I usually had to make time for her after classes which I was doing pretty well till I encountered another issue at the new hostel I was living in. There was another woman who happened to be closely related to the landlady of the hostel we were living in. She was not a regular person present at home. She sold “koko” from across the street. hence was a likable person. She was a bubbly character thus I came to like her more when she was not working and was spending time at home. Now she was a petite woman who had had past, terrible relationships over the years and hence had returned to work with her family in Winneba.

At least that was the story she eventually told me as we grew into friends. I began having less time for the lady on campus mainly because of the tedious studies and lecture hours but also spent more quality time with Estee just because she was readily available at home. One out of 2 ladies experience less attention when they are unknowingly dating one man. So breakfast and supper now hit differently obviously because of Estee. From Koko, etew and gobe, I was living well. I got to campus very early now and with a huge smile on my face.I never ate on campus anymore and this drew a suspicion from most of my feeding buddies. Now let me cut to the chase, at some point both of these women called my phone and that placed a huge amount of pressure on me. I remember shutting down my cell to end all this chaos one day and to have a good night’s rest.

I then took up the task of ending one of these relationships and breaking free from this situation I found myself. So yes, I ended things with the lady on campus after I found loopholes in her commitment towards me. It was pretty easy actually. Level 200 offered me another great opportunity to do things in the most confident way possible. For example, I had deep conversations with older people at the hostel I was living in the hostel hence I felt complete freedom for the first time. So as the exam period got closer, I discovered one of my colleague’s hostels near mine hence I started to create a friendship with him.

I later discovered that the hostel my boy lived in was more enjoyable than my place hence stopped by from lectures to chat with him. On one occasion I had a chance to speak with his landlord called “Borge”. We had a pretty good conversation by the way and just as I was departing his presence he yelled the name of his daughter. She had an aura about her thus I kept my eye locked on her for a few seconds before hearing my boy also yell my name from across his room. I spoke to him about this and he revealed that Ella was the second child of the landlord and that he was very protective of her. Ella at the time had completed the Senior High School level and was waiting to be admitted to the University level.

Her number was obtained through the right sources due to her dad’s vigilance and in no time, I began speaking with her casually. I remember her getting cozy with me and comfortably paying visits to my hostel. This led to me being a serial cheater, something I never envisioned was going to happen at the 200 level. Trust me I was enjoying the ride till Ella reportedly informed her dad about an unknown illness at the the time. This illness turned out to be a pregnancy. I was in the middle of my exams when she informed me about this.

I was completely livid. I felt the right thing needed to be done at the time hence she had an abortion to wash away the fears and responsibilities of the future. As far as emotional support was concerned, Ella cried for weeks and hence I made sure she was okay through constant consolation. The situation took a lot from me hence after my final paper I broke up things with her nicely and stayed as friends for the next couple of days before leaving for Accra.

Continue reading tales in the next post.

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