Awudomi Government Basic school teachers and students wail after floods gutter mud building

Teachers and students of Awudomi government basic school have faced challenges in carrying out lessons as the floors of the mud classroom structure become muddy and flooded after rainfall.

The incident captured by a teacher and shared on Edhub on video showed the class in a debilitating state with the teacher still shocked over the incident.

Students and teachers who at this point had evacuated the classroom have come out to lament over the unsavouray conditions posed by the structure.

Weekynuuz reached out to the school and were told that teachers felt uncomfortable with this hence had to let the students gather elsewhere while a temporary fix was eing undertaken by the school authorities.

Awudomi Government Basic school in the Oti Region has educated many kids and is still mentoring many for the future however the conditions of the  school seems to make the dreams of these students bleek and impossible.

Weekynuuz reached out to the school and were told that teachers felt uncomfortable with this hence had to let the students gather elsewhere while a temporary fix was eing undertaken y the school authorities.

Awudomi Government Basic school in the Oti Region has educated many kids and is still mentoring many for the future however the conditions of the  school seems to make the dreams of these students bleek and impossible.

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